
My Fitness Journey: GT1

I started out on my fitness journey in high school. It was sporadic and I knew very little about how to create a healthy lifestyle. Most of my fitness came from Irish Dancing, a Curves membership (flashback!!), and some Tae Bo workout videos (yeah Billy Blanks!). In college, I found myself surrounded by people who were way more educated in health and fitness than I was. I tried to soak up everything they knew. There were more frequent trips to the gym, I started lifting weights, and found myself in the occasional kickboxing class. After college, I had way more time on my hands than I knew what to do. After joining a local gym with a friend, I decided I needed a specific goal to work for. I decided I wanted to run in Cincinnati's 100th Thanksgiving Day Race. If I was going to run, I figured that was the best day to do it... hellooooo pumpkin pie! I was never a runner before then. I have asthma and really did not see the point in running more than a few minutes at a time. Once I