My Fitness Journey: GT1

I started out on my fitness journey in high school. It was sporadic and I knew very little about how to create a healthy lifestyle. Most of my fitness came from Irish Dancing, a Curves membership (flashback!!), and some Tae Bo workout videos (yeah Billy Blanks!).

In college, I found myself surrounded by people who were way more educated in health and fitness than I was. I tried to soak up everything they knew. There were more frequent trips to the gym, I started lifting weights, and found myself in the occasional kickboxing class.

After college, I had way more time on my hands than I knew what to do. After joining a local gym with a friend, I decided I needed a specific goal to work for. I decided I wanted to run in Cincinnati's 100th Thanksgiving Day Race. If I was going to run, I figured that was the best day to do it... hellooooo pumpkin pie! I was never a runner before then. I have asthma and really did not see the point in running more than a few minutes at a time. Once I completed the race, I wanted more.

Since then I've run countless 5k's, 5 Thanksgiving Day Races, three half-marathons, and one full marathon (woah!).

(Photo credit: Jean Juenger 201... I have no clue how I was smiling by the end of those 26.2 miles!)

Throughout all of my trainings, I found other ways to build up endurance and strength. Now I enjoy lifting weights, spinning, and have recently been bitten by the boxing bug.

While I love spending days being active in different ways, I also enjoy the occasional break. Trying to maintain a consistent fitness lifestyle has been a challenge over the past few years, but I always come back to it.

One of the things bringing me back is my girl, GT2. We started out lifting weights and then began taking classes at CycleBar, a local spinning studio. We were (and still are) consistently mistaken for twins, and even each other. And so the GingTwins were born and we've been taking our fitness levels by storm ever since.
